
Between a 1/3 and a 1/2 of the people you manage are not fulfilling their potential

Coming very soon


What helps you regain perspective?

What helps you regain perspective?

Delighted to deliver training recently for a great team of managers at the Royal College of Pathologists in London, they were very glad to be back together, taking part in a “thought provoking” interactive session exploring important workplace challenges and team motivation.

  • (In future) I hope to discuss more ….at 1:1s.. With today’s tools, I feel I can ask my team about their workloads, there are options if they are feeling overwhelmed.
  • I will worry less about the things I can’t influence or change and encourage my staff to as well.

As I was planning the day, world events were making us feel helpless, clients saying the ‘covid years’ have left a legacy of stress, ‘burn out’ is quite common in their organisations . We’ll need to support each other with compassion for some time.

What always come to mind and helps me at these times is the Serenity Prayer, by Reinhold Niebuhr.
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” (Extract)

What helps you? what helps you regain some perspective?